Lab 3
Labs Assignments
This lab focuses on writing basic functions.
Part A: Foundations
Briefly name and describe the three fundamental components of a function.
Describe three different ways functions can be stored/applied and an example of when you might want to use each version.
Part B: Applied practice
The mean is defined as
$$ \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n{x_i}}{n} $$ which basically says “sum the things and then divide by the total number of things”.
Write a function to calculate the mean that removes missing data before conducting the calculation. You may not use
or any similar function that conducts a mean calculation. Include a warning in your function if missing data have been removed that prints the total number of cases that were removed. -
Test your function to make sure it (a) provides the expected results, and (b) gives identical output to
whenna.rm = TRUE
. Make sure that you test your data against a vector that has missing data. -
Turn the following three lines of code into three different functions. Make sure to give them meaningful names. Test the functions to make sure they provide the expected output.
# Count number of missing elements in a vector
# Proportional representation of each level (unique element) in a vector
purrr::map_dbl(split(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$cyl), length) / length(mtcars$cyl)
# normalize or z-score a vector so the mean is zero and sd is one
(mtcars$mpg - mean(mtcars$mpg, na.rm = TRUE)) /
sd(mtcars$mpg, na.rm = TRUE)
Write a function that takes a data frame as its input and returns a data frame with only the numeric columns.
Write a function that uses the function you wrote in Question 4, and returns a data frame with the mean and standard deviation of each numeric column. If columns are omitted (because they are non-numeric), print a message stating the specific columns that were not included.